Claim File Submission Procedure

Claim File Submission Procedure

To ensure prompt reimbursement for claimed items, we recommend adhering closely to the PCRS submission schedules. Submitting claims by the early payment cut-off date is key to facilitating timely payments. Please note that the PCRS is not obligated to include late end-of-month claim file submissions for early payment. Although we have successfully advocated for early payment on behalf of some members in recent months, the PCRS expects all claims to be submitted on time for early payment consideration.

Pharmacies can confirm that their file submission has been sent by checking the ‘Transmission History Tool’ under the ‘Claiming’ tab in the PCRS Pharmacy Suite. This tool updates within 15 minutes of a file submission. If you experience any transmission difficulties, please contact your system vendor and the PCRS immediately.

Pharmacies can also sign up for SMS submission deadline reminders by emailing for a registration form.

Associated Files

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