- APHA - Animal and Plant Health Association
- BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute
- Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
- eHealth Ireland
- EMA - European Medicines Agency
- FIP - International Pharmaceutical Federation
- FSAI - Food Safety Authority of Ireland
- Graphite Human Resource Management
- Healthbrochures.ie
- Healthy Ireland
- HPRA - Health Products Regulatory Authority
- HSA - Health and Safety Authority
- IPHA - Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association
- IRLII - Irish Legal Information Initiative
- ISC - Irish Sports Council
- NPA - National Pharmaceutical Association, UK
- Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
- PCRS - Primary Care Reimbursement Services
- PSI - Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
- WHO World Health Organisation
Course Information Sheets
added by Ciara Browne on 28 January 2021
Cow and Gate Aptamil Muesli Range Recall 15 Jan 2021
added by Eilish Barrett on 18 January 2021
Cow and Gate Aptamil Muesli Range Recall 15 Jan 2021
Work Place Relations (WRC)
added by Ciara Browne on 30 November 2020
Citizens Advice Information
added by Ciara Browne on 30 November 2020
Aptamil Multigrain Banana & Berry Cereal Batch Recall 10 Nov 2020
added by Eilish Barrett on 10 November 2020
Aptamil Multigrain Banana & Berry Cereal Batch Recall 10 Nov 2020
Sláintecare Pharmacy Headache Pilot - Webinar Recording
added by Ciara Browne on 02 November 2020
Recorded Reports from AGM 2020
added by Ciara Browne on 20 October 2020
Pharmacy Usage and Attitudes Webinar 7 July 2020 – Playback Version
added by Ciara Browne on 20 July 2020
General Election 2020
added by Ciara Browne on 15 June 2020
Political Campaign 2019
added by Ciara Browne on 15 June 2020
Political Campaign 2019
June Bank Holiday in the sun – Irish Mirror – 28May20
added by Ciara Browne on 29 May 2020
June Bank Holiday in the sun – The Irish Times – 28May20
added by Ciara Browne on 29 May 2020
Free flu vaccines introduced for at-risk groups – Irish Examiner – 18May20
added by Ciara Browne on 29 May 2020
Ranitidine Precautionary Recall - Update May 2020
added by Eilish Barrett on 01 May 2020
Ranitidine Precautionary Recall - Update May 2020
EMA Reminder chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine 23 Apr 2020
added by Eilish Barrett on 24 April 2020
COVID-19: European Medicines Agency issues reminder of risk of serious side effects with chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
Picato Marketing Authorisation Withdrawn 21 Apr 2020
added by Eilish Barrett on 22 April 2020
EMA review of Picato concludes medicine’s risks outweigh its benefits
Crime Prevention Officers (CPO'S)
added by darren.kelly on 09 April 2020
Crime Prevention Officers (CPO'S)
COVID-19 Pharmacy Media Coverage
added by Ciara Browne on 06 April 2020
WEEE Retailer Registration
added by darren.kelly on 02 April 2020
The online Retailer Registration service can now be accessed via www.licences.ie - the An Post hosted one stop shop for licence, permit, certificate and registration needs. This service remains free of charge and you will receive certification directly from WEEE Ireland when registering in the Scheme's designated collection areas. A separate application must be made in respect of each premises from which Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and/or Batteries are supplied and/or WEEE and/or waste batteries are stored following take back.
Dublin Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
North-East Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
North-West Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
Midlands Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
Mid-West Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
South Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
South-East Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
West Region
added by Ciara Browne on 23 January 2020
Tweets/Posts and Images per County
added by Ciara Browne on 29 November 2019
Tweets/Posts and Images per County
Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Bill
added by Ciara Browne on 04 December 2018
Interchangeable Lists
added by Ciara Browne on 20 November 2015
Scabivix Batch Recall -HPRA Advisory Notice
added by Ciara Browne on 28 May 2015
HPRA Interchangeable Lists
added by Ciara Browne on 08 April 2015
Health Brochures
added by alan reilly on 03 April 2015
CVD Prevention in Practice
added by alan reilly on 01 April 2015
The Irish Heart Foundation has launched a website for healthcare professionals, www.cvdpreventioninpractice.ie, to assist in the management of people who may be at risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The website focuses on practical aspects of using the latest European Guidelines on the Prevention of CVD in Clinical Practice.
APHA - Animal and Plant Health Association
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Animal and Plant Health Association (APHA) is the representative body for manufacturers and sole distributors of animal health (veterinary medicines) and plant health (plant protection/agrochemical) products in Ireland.
BAILII - British and Irish Legal Information Institute
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) provides access to the most comprehensive set of British and Irish primary legal materials that are available for free and in one place on the internet.
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Competition Authority is a statutory body with a specific role to enforce Irish competition law. Competition law is designed, primarily, to protect and benefit the consumer.
eHealth Ireland
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
EMA - European Medicines Agency
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The EMA's responsibility is the protection and promotion of public and animal health, through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human and veterinary use.
FIP - International Pharmaceutical Federation
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
FIP is a worldwide federation of national pharmaceutical (professional and scientific) associations, with a mission to represent and serve pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences around the globe.
FSAI - Food Safety Authority of Ireland
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland was established under the Food Safety Authority of Ireland Act, 1998. The Act was enacted in July 1998 and came into effect on 01 January 1999.
Graphite Human Resource Management
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
HR + Management Consultants, Employment Law, Training + Development. Discounted Membership fees for all IPU members
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
This website offers a wide range of healthcare informational, educational, and promotional brochures, to healthcare professionals free of charge.
Healthy Ireland
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
HPRA - Health Products Regulatory Authority
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The role of the HPRA is to protect and enhance public and animal health by regulating medicines, medical devices and other health products.
HSA - Health and Safety Authority
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Health and Safety Authority is the national body in Ireland with responsibility for securing health and safety at work. It is a state-sponsored body, operating under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act.
IPHA - Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
Representing the international research-based pharmaceutical industry in Ireland. Members include both prescription medicines companies and manufacturers of non-prescription or consumer health care medicines.
IRLII - Irish Legal Information Initiative
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
IRLII provides Irish Statutes from 2002 and 2003 in a convenient HTML format with a minimum time delay. Section numbers are hyperlinked for convenience.
ISC - Irish Sports Council
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
Sport has a special place in the life of Irish people. The performance of our leading sportsmen and women is a constant topic of conversation and probably the single area of national life taking up most space in the media.
NPA - National Pharmaceutical Association, UK
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) was established in 1921 as the trade association of community pharmacy owners. The NPA now extends membership and its associated benefits to all members of the community pharmacy sector.
Office of the Data Protection Commissioner
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
Data protection is about your fundamental right to privacy. You can access and correct data about yourself. Those who keep data about you have to comply with data protection principles.
PCRS - Primary Care Reimbursement Services
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) is part of the HSE, and is responsible for making payments to healthcare professionals, like doctors, dentists and pharmacists, for the free or reduced costs services they provide to the public.
PSI - Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) is the statutory body for pharmacists and pharmacies in Ireland. It acts in the public interest to regulate the profession.
WHO World Health Organisation
added by Anthony Leonard on 18 January 2015
The World Health Organisation is the United Nations specialized agency for health. It was established on 7 April 1948. WHO's objective, as set out in its Constitution, is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
Metacom Group
added by Anthony Leonard on 11 January 2015
HR & Management Consultants, Health & Safety, Employment Law & Business Coaching
Resource Employee Relations
added by Anthony Leonard on 11 January 2015
New Town Centre, Killegland Street, Ashbourne Co Meath
Pestguard Environmental Services
added by Anthony Leonard on 10 January 2015
Rentokil Pest Control
added by Anthony Leonard on 10 January 2015