Vaccination Services Update

HSE Circular Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme

IPU NIO Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025 Webinar

The IPU in collaboration with the National Immunisation Office (NIO) hosted a webinar on the Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025. A recording of the webinar can be viewed on the IPU Vaccination Hubs.


HSE Combined COVID-19 and Flu Consent Form

The HSE has made available an Immunisation Consent Form Winter Vaccinations Programme for people receiving COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccines QIV Vaccine- Influvac Tetra or Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine (Split Virion, Inactivate) and any Comirnaty® Adapted Vaccine Including JN1 for people aged 18 years and older. Please note this form cannot be used for patients under 18 years of age or for a COVID-19 primary vaccination course or for Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine (LAIV). It is available here.


PSI Guidance

The PSI guidance in relation to vaccination services has been reviewed and updated. The most significant changes reflect the introduction of new record keeping requirements arising from the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) (No.4) Regulations 2024.

The following updated guidance is now available:


HSE Communications

The HSE Communications Team have shared with us their Partner Pack to support the Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024-2025. The pack contains an overview of the advertising campaign the HSE have planned including target audiences, messaging, and materials. The social images within the pack can be saved to your computer by right-clicking on them. The pack is available here.

The HSE Communications team have confirmed that the Childrens Flu Pre-Vaccination Information Leaflet are available to order on


New PharmaVax Functionality for Offsite Vaccinations

From 1 October, HSE PharmaVax has introduced new functionality to record influenza vaccinations administered at locations outside your pharmacy, such as primary schools. A feature has been added to the ‘Add Vaccination’ screen for influenza vaccinations, enabling you to input a temporary location. After selecting a client and choosing influenza as the vaccination type, you can now search for and select the Facility ID, Name, Address, or School Roll Number in the vaccination details section. The HSE requests that this field be completed when providing offsite vaccinations in a school setting.


IPU Support

The IPU COVID-19 Vaccination Hub and the IPU Flu Hub are being updated on an ongoing basis as guidance and materials become available. You can also contact the IPU Professional Services team should you have any queries/require support in relation to vaccination services.


Primary Childhood Immunisation Schedule – Addition of Chickenpox (Varicella) Vaccine

The Dept. of Health has announced that the varicella vaccine has been added to the primary childhood immunisation schedule in line with NIAC advise. If a child was born on or after 1 October 2024, the vaccine will be given by GPs to babies at the age of 12 months. As a result of this announcement, you may receive queries in relation to childhood vaccinations and varicella.

Further information can be found on the following websites:

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