The PSI commissioned and published a Workforce intelligence report in September 2023. One of the recommendations 6.1 was to ‘Establish a dedicated forum for pharmacist employers and employees with a time-bound scope and terms of reference, with a view to proposing and communicating best practice in relation to working conditions that must be addressed to ensure a sustainable community pharmacist workforce into the future.” The Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) is the owner of this recommendation. In response, the employee pharmacist committee (EPC) of the IPU has developed a strategy for an Employee Employer Forum (EEF). The EEF will be a forum for discussion of challenges and solutions for community pharmacy workforce sustainability now and into the future and will independently be chaired by Mary Rose Burke MPSI.
The IPU is requesting expressions of interest from both employee pharmacists and employer/pharmacy owners to become members of this forum. The forum will comprise equal representation from employee pharmacists and employer/pharmacy owners and will be open to IPU members and non-union members to ensure fair representation. The Forum is expected to meet quarterly. To apply for membership of the EEF please click here.