On 25 September, we launched our White Paper – Key Enablers for a Sustainable Pharmacy Model – outlining a policy framework to transform pharmacy care in this country by turning pharmacies into key healthcare hubs, improving access to community care.
The event was extremely successful, with over 100 attendees featuring key representatives from the health sector, including the HSE, Department of Health, patient groups pharmacists and political representatives.
Over 60 politicians attended the event, giving us a great opportunity to share our key messages with this influential audience. We received cross political party support from those attending and they all received both a copy of our white paper and pre-budget submission.
Encouragingly, many politicians gave positive feedback during the event and on social media, with several already raising our issues within the political system.
We would like to thank members for contacting their local representatives and encouraging them to attend, which contributed to the success of the day. These contacts were acknowledged by the Oireachtas members present.