IPU NIO Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025 Webinar
The IPU in collaboration with the National Immunisation Office (NIO) is hosting a webinar on the Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 18 September 2024 from 7.30 pm to 8.30 pm.
Dr Louise Marron, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NIO will explain to participants the clinical considerations for the upcoming vaccination programme. Ms Susan O’Donnell, Professional Services Pharmacist at the IPU will outline key operational aspects.
At the end of the webinar, participants should be able to:
- Identify the suitable cohorts for vaccination;
- Recognise the differences within the vaccination programmes;
- Locate all relevant materials, including communications materials; and
- Describe how to utilise HSE PharmaVax.
You can register for the webinar here.
HSE Circular Autumn/Winter Vaccination Programme
The HSE has released pharmacy circular NCO-33-2024 in relation to the upcoming Autumn/Winter Vaccination Programme which is due to commence on 1 October.
Full clinical guidance can be found in NIAC Immunisation Guidelines Chapter 5a COVID-19 and Chapter 11 Influenza. Both chapters have been updated.
As outlined within Chapter 5a COVID-19, the preferred COVID-19 booster vaccine in those aged 12 years and over for the Autumn/Winter Vaccination Programme is Comirnaty JN.1 30 micrograms. Significant changes have been made to the tables with the cohort recommendations. In this updated chapter:
- Table 5a.1 relates to the recommendations for primary schedule of COVID-19 vaccines;
- Table 5a.2 relates to the recommendations for COVID-19 booster vaccination in Autumn 2024; and
- Table 5a.3 relates to the medical conditions associated with a higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation, severe disease or death.
The relevant additional clinical material is in the process of being finalised by the HSE and will be available on the NIO website in advance of the autumn winter vaccination programme.
We expect the following to be updated prior to the programme commencing:
- HSE Consent and Medical Eligibility Forms;
- The Operational Guidance for Vaccination in Community Pharmacies; and
- Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination.
The PSI guidance documents relating to the provision of vaccination services by Pharmacists are currently being updated in preparation for the upcoming vaccination programme.
The IPU will issue supporting documentation once the HSE, NIO and the PSI have published their updated guidance.
Statutory Instrument
A Statutory Instrument is needed prior to pharmacists administering Comirnaty® JN.1 30 microgram (0.3mls) as a COVID-19 booster vaccine. This is not currently in place, but it is expected to be commenced imminently.
Vaccine Stock
The first cycle of vaccine deliveries for both Flu and COVID-19 vaccine stock are due to be completed ahead of the campaign launch on 1 October. You must ensure an order is placed on ordervaccines.ie before the cut off time on your delivery calendar as emergency deliveries cannot be facilitated.
The COVID-19 booster vaccine, Comirnaty JN.1 30 micrograms (0.3mls), should not be ordered until a further communication on the COVID-19 booster campaign is issued.
If you do not have an account with the National Cold Chain Service (NCCS) and wish to participate in this year’s flu vaccination programme, please contact vaccines@udd.ie.
Schools Programme
We have received several queries from members regarding the provision of a flu vaccination service in secondary schools. For this year’s autumn/winter vaccination campaign, the NIO is focussing on increasing the uptake of the LAIV nasal vaccine in primary schools.
If you decide to engage with your local secondary school there is no issue with this, as you are covered in terms of the cohort, being children aged 2 to 17 years, and funding is in place for this cohort.
As ever, you should also ensure that all appropriate training and equipment are in place for the provision of the service, and administration records are completed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.
You should check your LAIV allocations when the system goes live as your allocation may not provide sufficient stock for this extra service. If you require extra stock, you may contact the NCCS vaccines@udd.ie to request this. Please include your NCCS account number in any correspondence.
If you are providing a vaccination service, please ensure that your training is up to date. The PSI has available on its website the training requirements and validity of training programmes for pharmacists who wish to provide vaccination services.
We advise you to check both the date on the certificate of completion and the training programme validity of the training you may have already completed.
The administration of influenza vaccine training programme for the 2024/25 season is already available on the IIOP website and it is delivered by Hibernian Healthcare Limited. Click here to enrol.
Pharmacists must complete an updated training module before administering Comirnaty® JN.1 30 microgram (0.3mls) as part of the booster campaign. We will notify members as soon as this updated training is available from the HSE.
We will continue to provide updates via the news section of the IPU website, the weekly Newsletter and via our COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Hub. You can also contact the IPU Professional Services team should you have any queries/require support in relation to vaccination services.