Spring COVID-19 Booster Campaign

Spring COVID-19 Booster Campaign

As part of the COVID-19 Vaccination Service Spring Booster Campaign, the HSE has issued a text message to people aged 70 years and older recommending them to get their COVID-19 spring booster vaccine before the end of May. They will be reminded that “Booster doses help boost your antibodies and give you good protection from becoming seriously ill if you get COVID-19”, and that appointments can be booked in community vaccination clinics, GP surgeries and community pharmacies.

While the spring booster programme is aimed for completion by the end of May, it is recognised that in some cases, given the timeframe, vaccinations may run into June. Ideally, all spring boosters should be completed by 16 June so that there is an adequate interval before their autumn booster. Patients eligible for vaccination as part of the Spring Booster Campaign can be offered the spring booster at a 3-month interval after their last COVID-19 vaccine or infection to ensure they get their spring booster before the end of May*. For further information see the  IPU COVID-19 Vaccination Hub which contains a range of resources and links to national guidance documents.

*Ref: Pharmacy Circular NCO-17-2023

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