Public Holidays

Public Holidays

Full-time employees have an immediate entitlement to public holiday benefits, which can include one of the following:


  • A paid day off that day;
  • A paid day off within a month of that day;
  • A paid additional day of annual leave; or
  • An additional day’s pay.


Part-time employees who have worked at least 40 hours in the previous five weeks up to the day before the public holiday, and the public holiday falls on a day that they normally work, are entitled to a day’s pay for the public holiday. If they are required to work that day of the public holiday, they are entitled to an additional day’s pay.


Where the public holiday falls on a day which the employee does not normally work, employees are entitled to one-fifth of their normal weekly wage for the public holiday. Employers should inform all staff which option will apply in relation to the public holiday at least 14 days in advance.

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