The Regulated Professions (Health and Social Care) (Amendment) Act 2020 introduces a new requirement for PSI to ensure that pharmaceutical assistants undertake appropriate CPD. In response, we committed to the development of a CPD model for pharmaceutical assistants as part of our Corporate Strategy 2021-2024.
The PSI Report to Support the Development of a Continuing Professional Development CPD Model for Pharmaceutical Assistants makes recommendations for a proposed CPD model. that draws on elements from the CPD model for pharmacists, and that utilises the infrastructure (ePortfolio) already in place.
The PSI is seeking feedback on seven proposed themes that will assist and guide pharmaceutical assistants when self-reflecting on their practice as part of their CPD requirements. These themes have been developed in consultation with the Pharmaceutical Assistants Association (PAA) and are intended to be reflective of pharmaceutical assistants’ practice.
The public consultation will be open from Thursday, 20 June 2024 to 6pm on Thursday, 18 July 2024.