PSI Codeine Surveillance Exercise

Management of Codeine dependence

It has come to our attention that the PSI carried out a surveillance exercise concerning the sale and supply of non-prescription medicinal products containing codeine earlier in 2024. The PSI is engaging with those pharmacies, where the sale did not comply with PSI guidance “Non-prescription medicinal products containing Codeine: Guidance for Pharmacists on safe supply to patients”.

If you have received correspondence from the PSI regarding this matter, before submitting your response you may consider:

  • Reviewing the protocols and procedures in place at the pharmacy;
  • Identify any gap in practice;
  • Bridge those gaps;
  • Retraining the pharmacy team; and
  • Auditing the pharmacy to ensure that protocols are followed. For this step, you may consider using the checklist tool kit available at the end of the PSI guidance above mentioned.


The IPU has also available on its website; under the professional tab, resources such as an IPHA/IPU codeine supply aid checklist and an IPHA/IPU codeine patient card that will support you and your team with pharmacy compliance on the sale and supply of non-prescription medicinal products containing codeine.

Contact the IPU Professional Team at if you have any queries regarding compliance with the sale and supply of non-prescription medicinal products containing codeine.

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