On 17 October 2024, the IIOP sent an email to approximately 1,400 pharmacists who were selected to submit their 2024/25 ePortfolio for review. These pharmacists are required to submit evidence of their continuing professional development to the IIOP via their ePortfolio. Their e-portfolio should be submitted before or on 26 January 2025.
We advise you to log into your IIOP account to check if you have been included in the 2024/25 ePortfolio Review. Check for the Pending sign on your ePortfolio. Please note that this sign will remain in place until the submission period is closed (26 January) and will not change once you have submitted your cycles.
The IIOP also advises pharmacists to make sure the email address listed on their IIOP profile is one which they regularly access to ensure they do not miss any important notifications.
If you have been selected, check the Support Resources available on the IIOP website including the Information Events. If you have further queries, please contact the IIOP team at info@iiop.ie.