The National Immunisation Office (NIO) has published Immunisation Bulletin 64. This bulletin provides an update regarding:
- COVID-19 vaccine VidPrevtyn Beta® introduced as an alternative booster vaccine;
- Be Measles aware campaign;
- Varicella and travel vaccines; and
- Updated NIAC chapters.
VidPrevtyn Beta® vaccine
VidPrevtyn Beta® vaccine is licensed as a booster for active immunisation to prevent COVID-19 for those aged 18 years and older who have previously received an mRNA or adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccine. NIAC recommend VidPrevtyn Beta® may be used as an alternate booster vaccine if there is a contraindication or precaution to an mRNA vaccine or Nuvaxovid, or a person has chosen not to receive these vaccines. The vaccine is only available in community vaccination centres.