The NIO has recently published Immunisation Bulletin 56. This bulletin includes updates on the following topics:
- New NIAC (National Immunisation Advisory Committee) recommendation for adapted COVID-19 booster vaccines: All those aged 65 years and older require an adapted COVID-19 booster vaccine four to six months after their previous COVID-19 vaccine (or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection) regardless of the number of previous COVID-19 vaccines.
- COVID-19 vaccine intervals: An interval of at least 4 months is recommended after the last dose of a COVID-19 vaccine primary schedule or a previous COVID-19 booster vaccine for all booster doses.
- “Frequently Asked Questions” are included regarding second and third booster cohorts and co-administration with seasonal influenza vaccination.
- Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine: cohorts, guidelines and training available on HSELanD.
- Healthcare worker survey on Influenza and COVID-19 vaccination intention is available here.
- Flu Season Bulletin which includes the National flu steering group Flu Season 2022-23 seasonal bulletin, training available on the HSELandD and online ordering system through