IPU Website

IPU Website

In order to improve the user experience of the IPU website, we are continually making enhancements. The latest are:

  • Menu – the menu on the public and members section of the website has been reorganised and redesigned. From the new menu, you will be able to browse directly to each section (News & Publications, Pharmacy Services, Member’s Support, Pharmacy Contracts, HR, Training & CPD, Safe Pharmacy and About IPU).
  • Search – the search function has a helpful feature of the most popular keywords that are searched by users. These keywords are continually updated.
  • Pharmacy Services – this section has been completely revamped and it will carry a much more reader-friendly look, organising the information by sections, which you can also directly access from the main Pharmacy Service page, or from the new menu.


If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please contact Gloria Carrillo gloria.carrillo@ipu.ie.



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