IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses

IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses


IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 CoursesIPU Delegation Management Course  

(1 Day – Tutor-Directed Online Workshop 

This 1 day, tutor-directed online workshop course is aimed at candidates who are in a supervisory or management role or aspire to be in the future. Good delegation skills support supervisors and managers, make the most productive use of their own time, improves team members’ knowledge, skills, and job satisfaction. Good delegation practice also avoids managerial overload, stress and ultimately burn out! 

  • Start Date: Thursday 9 February 


IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 CoursesIPU Showcasing your Pharmacy Online. NEW!

(1 Day – Tutor-Directed Online Workshop 

This course provides the learner with the knowledge of how to bring your pharmacy brand online. Whether you wish to become an online retailer or simply promote your pharmacy business on social platforms, this course will provide you with the skills to reach your existing customers and to engage with potential new customers in an online setting. The course we will cover the basics of online marketing, social media and building a brand online and demonstrate the service and products you stock to an online audience. 

  • Start Date: Thursday 16 February 



IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses

IPU Patient Medication Counselling 101

(1 Day – Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

This course has been designed to encourage pharmacists to revisit and strengthen their own counselling skills. Effective medication counselling helps the patient understand their illness, their medications and improves compliance. This course will deal with the various types of medication counselling, help you to evaluate your current counselling style and provide techniques to ensure effective interactions. The course will also provide an introduction in how to utilise technology to improve the counselling service you provide to your patients.

  • Start Date:  Sunday 5 March



IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses

IPU Bootcamp in Pharmacy Finance

(2 Days, one month apartTutor-Directed Online Workshops)

This course has been designed to allow pharmacists complement their clinical skills with the knowledge and skills to understand the financial aspects of pharmacy business. It will equip pharmacists with an understanding of general and dispensary finance and help them to understand how they and their dispensary teams directly affect cash flow and profitability each month.

Day 1 will cover an introduction to business finance and an under- standing of what elements the dispensary team can directly impact upon. The course will also give a detailed view of dispensary finance including understanding your HSE payment schedule, fee structure and the costs associated with dispensing. Pharmacists will return for Day 2 four weeks later, having worked through a financial end of month and claim cycle, for a more detailed look at Supplier Terms, Purchasing, Preferred Products and Dispensing, Stockholding, and managing overheads in order to have a direct positive impact on the financial health of the pharmacy(s) they operate in.

  • Day 1:Sunday 12 March
  • Day 2: Sunday 16 April



IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses

IPU Basics in Health and Nutrition

(1 Day – Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

This course will give an overview of how nutritional supplements can assist health and wellbeing and aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and competence to appropriately engage with patients and customers, while giving good advice on required vitamins, minerals, and supplements.  In the highly competitive retail pharmacy sector, a sound base of the products you sell can lead to increased sales, higher profitability and make you more competitive overall.

  • Day 1: Wednesday 29 March




PU Skin Solutions IPU Course

IPU Skin Solutions at the Counter Course

(1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

This course gives an overview of the most common skin complaints presented in the pharmacy, skincare ingredients, how they work and who they would benefit. As the first port of call for skincare queries pharmacy staff are well placed to advise and recommend practical and solution-based skincare routines to enhance the lives of their customers. An effective skincare consultation at the counter can be an invaluable service for any pharmacy to offer. Not only will a knowledgeable and skilled team member enhance the customers experience in choosing the skincare product that is right for them, but they will also deliver the business greater sales and profitability.

It provides the learner with the knowledge and confidence to provide a skin consultation at the pharmacy counter, advise the customer on how to achieve healthy skin and match the customers’ needs with the products stocked in the pharmacy.

  • Day 1: Thursday 27 April


eLearning Courses below are available to purchase 24/7 and are placed on the Learning Management System on the IPU Training Unit Moodle Platform
IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 CoursesIPU Introduction to Employment Law and Employee Rights –  

(eLearning Course) 

This course will specifically focus on the need for pharmacies to ensure compliance with employee legislation. Employment law has become increasingly complex over the past number of years. There are rich sources of information that inform employees of their various responsibilities, but also of their employment rights. With increasing inspections by relevant bodies, it is critical that employers and managers have a basic knowledge in all aspects of recruitment, selection, employment, and the management of employees.


IPU Continuing Professional (CPD) Courses for Pharmacy Technicians and the Pharmacy Team 

(eLearning Courses) 

These CPD courses have been designed to engage the learner using interactive on-screen content, quizzes, video presentations and a final assessment where the learner can print their own Certificate of Completion.  

eLearning courses available: 


IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 CoursesIPU Irish Pharmacy Retail Sales Course 

(eLearning Course)  

This course provides the pharmacy sales assistant with the knowledge and understanding of the various techniques used for up-selling and cross-selling within retail pharmacy. The course has been designed for the experienced pharmacy sales assistant who wants to refresh their skills to improve and/or increase pharmacy sales. It is also appropriate for the new pharmacy sales assistant to develop their sales ability and gain essential knowledge and skill to engage with customers to maximise pharmacy sales. 


The content covers the following topics: 

  • Opening a sale  
  • Establishing a customer’s needs and wants 
  • Presenting and matching product and services 
  • Handling a customer objection  
  • Closing a sale 


Other courses

IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 CoursesMedicine in Care Homes 

(Training Pack) 

The Medicines in Care Homes training pack has been designed to assist pharmacists in providing training on the management of medication to care staff working in residential care settings. 



IPU Training Unit – Spring 2023 Courses
IPU NPA Medicine Counter Assistant (formerly Interact) Course – (Blended Learning)

This course is geared for all staff working on the pharmacy medicines counter, including full time, part-time and Saturday Staff. The course is delivered by blended learning and will increase medicine counter assistants’ product knowledge and begin to develop the skills needed to work in pharmacy.




Click here to access Information Sheets on all available training courses. 

Instructions on how to ‘Enrol and Pay’ online are included on course Information Sheet.  

If you have any questions, you can phone Janice or Susan in the Training Unit on 01 493 6401 / 01 406 1555 direct dial, or email training@ipu.ie. 


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