IPU Regional Elections – Call for Nominations

IPU Regional Elections - Call for Nominations

The IPU is required under our constitution to appoint/elect new committees every two years and with that in mind we are now initiating the process for the appointment of the 2024 committees. The following are the committees to which nominations are being sought:


  1.  The Executive Committee: As per article 5 (c) of the Constitution each region is entitled to elect one Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that region.
  2.  The Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee: As per article 5 (d) of the Constitution each region is entitled to elect one Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that region. That person shall not be the same person as elected by that Region to serve on the Executive Committee.
  3.  Employee Pharmacists’ Committee: As per article 5 (e) of the Constitution each region is entitled to elect one Employee Pharmacist to represent that Region on the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee.
  4.  Community Pharmacy Committee: As per article 5 (f) of the Constitution each region is entitled to elect a Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that region on the Community Pharmacy Committee. That person shall not be the same person as elected by that region to serve on the Executive Committee or Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee.


Those members who wish to serve on a committee need to register their intention by submitting their nomination by completing the following details:


Your name:

The name of the Region in which you are registered:

The name of the committee(s) on which you are prepared to serve:


The Executive Committee have appointed JPA Brenson Lawlor to administer and independently manage this process. Please send details of nominations to no later than 13 October 2023.


In the event that there is more than one nomination for a particular committee in a region, a ballot will be necessary to select the committee member. To make the process user-friendly and as efficient as possible, these elections will be conducted via a secure e-voting platform and will be independently managed by the appointed scrutineers. Further details to follow.


A list of the eight regions of the IPU is available here. Further details on the IPU Committee mentioned above are available here.


If you have any queries with regard to the process or the role and responsibilities of a committee member etc., please send them to or contact one of the Chairs or the Secretary to the committees detailed in the document entitled ‘Information on IPU Committees’.

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