IPU Annual General Meeting 2022

IPU Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the IPU, will take place on Saturday 14 May from 2.00pm – 5.00pm. The event will be held at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. A dinner will be held after the meeting beginning at 7.00pm.


In order to provide an opportunity for as many members as possible to attend the AGM we are also facilitating the meeting virtually. However, we would encourage as many members as possible to make themselves available for the in-person meeting. We are required to provide an idea of numbers to the hotel in the next week, so we would ask that you please register for the AGM by clicking here. Alternatively, if you cannot make the meeting and would like to attend virtually click here


The Standing Committee will be available on the day to answer any questions or queries that members may have and is happy to stay beyond the allotted finishing time of 5.00pm.


Also, the reports from the various IPU Committees will be presented with plenty of time made available for discussion.


Any member wishing to bring a motion before the Annual General Meeting must notify the IPU of such motion in writing not less than 21 days before the meeting, i.e., by 5.00pm on Friday 22 April. Motions can be sent by email to jim.curran@ipu.ie, faxed to 01 493 6407, or posted to Butterfield House addressed to Jim Curran.


You can also send any topics or questions that you would like discussed or clarified during the meeting up to 48 hours in advance of the meeting to jim.curran@ipu.ie, faxed to 01 493 6407 or by post to Butterfield House.


Please remember that the AGM can only be attended by IPU members who have paid their Annual Subscription.

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