The Expert Taskforce to support the expansion of the role of pharmacy published an interim report in November 2023. The Taskforce made a recommendation to empower pharmacists to extend the validity of prescriptions beyond six months. This recommendation was scheduled to take effect from 1 March 2024.
We do not anticipate at this stage that pharmacists will be extending the validity of prescriptions from 1 March. Once the taskforce recommendation is implemented, pharmacists will have the discretion to extend prescriptions for a maximum of 12 months, provided it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so. The legislation to empower this, is in the process of being drafted by the Department of Health.
We have made clear to Department of Health officials that the full benefits of the scheme will not be felt by patients until the pharmacy sector is funded to roll out pharmacy-based prescription extensions in the months ahead.
While we continue to engage with the Department in relation to the roll out and implementation of any new schemes, the funding for any additional services will need to be agreed with the IPU.
We have previously submitted a document to the Department of Health in response to the Expert Taskforce’s recommendation. This document is available to read on the IPU website, please click here.