HSPC guidance


The HPSC guidance on the current recommendations for the use of protective personal equipment (PPE) was updated on 31 March 2023 and implemented on 19 April 2023.

The update relates to:

  • Risk assessment for PPE for Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs) where COVID-19 is not suspected/confirmed;
  • Addition of point of care risk assessment (PCRA) prior to performing a clinical care task, to inform the level of IPC precautions needed including the choice of appropriate PPE; and
  • Change in terminology from COVID-19 to COVID-19/respiratory viral infection.


The usage of PPE is linked to the activity carried out by the healthcare worker. Therefore, those in governance roles are required to carry out a PCRA regarding the services provided at the pharmacy and the need for use of PPE. While there are activities in which the use of PPE is not required, recognising the pharmacy staff’s preferences should be considered. Table 1 of the guidance provides recommendations for the use of PPE during COVID-19 pandemic, including COVID-19 vaccinations, which you may find particularly useful.

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