Healthmail – Security

Healthmail – Security

Every pharmacy in the country has a Healthmail account, used for various reasons but primarily for receipt of prescriptions with approximately 1.6 million emails sent to pharmacies every month. The HSE is looking at ways of securing access to Healthmail with a focus on 2FA. You will be familiar with 2FA for personal shopping or banking. It involves a code being issued, either by SMS to a phone number or using the Microsoft Authenticator App on a phone or tablet platform; either way, a mobile device is required. The IPU IT Steering Group (ITSG) has discussed the proposal and identified a number of concerns. The IPU has been representing concerns of members for months and will continue to work with the HSE on a pragmatic security measure for Healthmail that works for everyone. For more information on the proposal and the representation we are making, click here.

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