Garda Vetting

Promoting Good Practice

Since May 2018, the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act has required community pharmacy owners to apply for Garda vetting for all pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants working in that community pharmacy or chain (including the owner, if a pharmacist). All pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants working in community pharmacies must be vetted before taking up new employment (even if they have previously been vetted by another pharmacy).

While there is not yet any official timeline in the legislation for re-vetting of staff, indications are that this will be introduced with re-vetting required approximately every three years, (the pdf vetting disclosure issued for each staff member by email at the time of vetting will have the date the vetting was conducted) so you may wish to start to have your staff re-vetted. The IPU vetting process is now conducted online and further information along with a link to the online application form can be found here.

New contractors/businesses applying for vetting for the first time must contact and request an application form to become an affiliate of the IPU.

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