Exempt Medicinal Product (EMPs) – Unlicensed Medicines Arrangements

Exempt Medicinal Product (EMPs) - Unlicensed Medicines Arrangements

The HSE Circular 012/23 updated the list of EMPs given administrative drug codes under the Community Drug Schemes. This revised list included the reimbursement prices of the EMPs agreed by the HSE with suppliers.  These prices have been agreed in place for the next 24 months.  This HSE list also indicated the suppliers who have agreed with the HSE to supply the medicines at these prices for pharmacists to procure.  We recommend that you order the EMPs included on this list from the supplier who has agreed with the HSE to supply at the reimbursement price.  Suppliers listed on the updated EMP list are outlined below, but not all have agreed to supply all products, so care is needed when ordering:


  • Pharmasource;
  • Medisource;
  • EMP Ltd.;
  • Clinigen; and
  • Fannin.
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