DTSS and EEA Schemes Electronic Claiming

Alleged Stolen Prescription Pad - Kimmage Medical Centre

We wish to remind members that both the Dental Treatment Services Scheme (DTSS) and European Economic Area (EEA)  Scheme can be submitted electronically. Members should contact their vendor if this function is not available on your current version. Once this functionality is in place, it is no longer a requirement to manually code these prescriptions or submit them to PCRS, unless requested.


For the EEA Scheme, it is mandatory to enter the European Health Insurance Card . Incorrect numbers entered may cause the claim to be rejected. We would advise members, when possible, to take a copy of the patient’s card with this number should any issues arise.


For UK residents claims can still be submitted under this scheme and details provided to the GP for proof of residency (e.g. NHS number) should be used for EEA scheme claim submission.



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