The HSE Addiction Services team deliver a blended learning programme on narcotic overdose which includes an evening course accompanied by pre and post-course online learning. Details relating to the course can be found on the IIOP website.
The next evening classroom event will be held in the The Clayton Hotel, Fonthill Rd, Liffey Valley, Dublin 22, on Wednesday, 29 November 2023. Tea, coffee and sandwiches will be available at the venue from 6.30pm and the session will commence promptly at 7pm. The session will end at 9.30pm.
To book a place at the evening classroom event on 29 November, please click here. Please note, you must be registered at this link to receive updates on the event. You can access the pre-learning modules on the IIOP website here selecting the “Accredited Live/Blended Programmes” tab to register.