Reimbursement support for Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) sensors under Community Drug Schemes is exclusively for patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. The PCRS has not excluded any community drug schemes; however, we recommend discussing with your patients who may not have availed of the LTI scheme. Once you’ve documented this conversation in the Patient Medical Record, it’s up to the patient to complete the application process.
Please note that there has been a change in the codes for Medtronic Guardian sensors due to a packaging size adjustment. As a result, only one box containing 5 sensors is now covered monthly. Below, you’ll find the updated and discontinued codes for your reference.
The IPU Product File should be updated regularly to ensure that you are using the current information. The updates are now available daily via automatic download. If you need assistance setting this up, please contact
Medtronic Guardian sensors new codes:
Name | GMS Code |
Medtronic Guardian 4
BNUIG4SMDI5 (pack 5) |
97671 |
Medtronic Guardian 4
BNUIG4SCGM5 (pack 5) |
97645 |
Medtronic Guardian 3
BNGLGSENS35 (pack 5) |
97680 |
Medtronic Guardian sensors’ discontinued codes:
Name | GMS Code |
Medtronic Guardian 4
BNUIG4SCGM10 (pack 10) |
99962 |
Medtronic Guardian 4
BNUIG4SMDI10 (pack 10) |
99963 |
Medtronic Guardian 3
BNGLGSENS310 (pack 10) |
94169 |
Medtronic Glucose Enlite
BNENSENS (pack 10) |
83204 |