Autumn/Winter 2024/2025 Vaccination Programme Update

HSE Circular Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme

The Autumn/Winter Vaccinations Programme is due to officially launch to the public on 1 October. Pharmacies may administer COVID-19 and influenza vaccines to patients in advance of this date once all the required training has been completed, they are satisfied that it is safe and appropriate to do so and they have a medical eligibility and consent form to support the administration. HSE Pharmavax has been updated to enable recording of the administration of vaccines recommended in the national programme. Please see below for further information and support.


Statutory Instrument

S.I. No. 458 of 2024 – Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) (No.4) Regulations 2024 was signed into law on 13 September allowing pharmacists to supply and administer Comirnaty® Omicron JN.1 30mcg/dose dispersion for injection.

This amendment of the legislation has also introduced changes to the vaccination record-keeping requirements and consent. From Monday 16 September 2024 the following applies:

  1. There is no longer a need to notify the patient’s GP within 7 days of an influenza vaccination the details pertaining to that administration.
  2. There is no legal requirement to record the name, address and telephone number of the patient’s GP to whom the vaccination was administered.
  3. Records of the administration can be maintained in electronic form and they must be readily available for inspection at the retail pharmacy business for a period of two years from the date of the supply and administration of the vaccine.
  4. The consent piece is now in line with the HSE National Consent policy. Therefore, if a patient is not able to provide consent, the pharmacist will be able to indicate that the will and preferences of the person were established, and the administration was for the benefit of the person.


PSI guidance relating to vaccination services in under review and it is being updated to reflect these changes.


Consent Forms and SOPs

The alignment of the details relating to consent with that of the HSE National Consent Policy enables IPU members to use HSE Consent and Medical Eligibility forms for the delivery of their vaccination services.

The HSE has made available the following consent and medical eligibility forms to support the Winter Vaccination Programme:

HSE COVID-19 Pharmacy Vaccination Consent Form Winter Programme

HSE QIV Consent Form Winter Programme

HSE LAIV Consent Form Winter Programme

An IPU QIV Consent Form is available to support members delivering a private influenza vaccination service.

The following SOP templates are available on the IPU Vaccination Hubs

QIV Influenza Vaccination Service SOP template 2024/25

LAIV Influenza Vaccination Service SOP template 2024/25

Comirnaty® JN.1.5 30mcg Vaccination Service SOP template



The updated NIO training module ‘mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations for people aged 12 years and older in respect of Comirnaty® JN.1 30mcg has been approved by the PSI and is now available on HSeLanD. Pharmacists must complete the updated training prior to administering Comirnaty® JN.1 30mcg as part of the winter booster campaign. This training can be accessed on HSeLanD by following this pathway Courses-Catalogue-Clinical skills- COVID-19 Vaccination Training Programme- mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations for people aged 12 years and older.

The PSI has also approved the NIO training which is available on HSeLanD in respect of Comirnaty® JN.1 10mcg (as contained within the training programme: ‘mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations for children aged 5-11 years) and Comirnaty JN.1 3mcg (as contained within the training programme: ‘mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations for Children Aged 6 Months to 4 Years’). This training is available to facilitate pharmacist vaccinators in supplying and administering these vaccines, as part of the COVID-19 national vaccination implementation plan. Please note that currently these formulations are not administered in community pharmacies and that community pharmacists supply and administer COVID-19 vaccines as part of the COVID-19 national programme to individuals aged 12 years and older.


The HSE has reviewed and updated the following documents:


The NIO Immunisation webpage Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme 2024/2025 has been updated. It contains a variety of information including patient information leaflets and FAQ’s to support health care professionals delivering a QIV and LAIV service.

Within the LAIV Programme Materials section you will find the Toolkit to support the administration of flu vaccination to Children in Primary Schools or Community Settings by Primary Care. This provides a wide range of information and templates to support community pharmacists considering or providing an LAIV service in a primary school or community setting.

The relevant NIAC Immunisation Guidelines Chapter 5a COVID-19 and Chapter 11 Influenza have been updated.

The HSE Vaccination Primary Care Contractors webpage contains operational information pertaining to the national vaccination programmes including Pharmacy Support Contact Details and guidance notes on areas such ordering consumables.


IPU NIO Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025 Webinar

The IPU in collaboration with the National Immunisation Office (NIO) is hosting a webinar on the Autumn Winter Vaccination Programme 2024/2025. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 18 September 2024 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Dr Louise Marron, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, NIO will explain to participants the clinical considerations for the upcoming vaccination programme. Ms Susan O’Donnell, Professional Services Pharmacist at the IPU will outline key operational aspects.

At the end of the webinar, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the suitable cohorts for vaccination;
  • Recognise the differences within the vaccination programmes;
  • Locate all relevant materials, including communications materials; and
  • Describe how to utilise HSE PharmaVax.


You can register for the webinar here.

A recording of this will be made available to view on the IPU Vaccination Hub in due course.


IPU Support

The IPU COVID-19 Vaccination Hub and the IPU Flu Hub are being updated on an ongoing basis as guidance and materials become available. You can also contact the IPU Professional Services team should you have any queries/require support in relation to vaccination services.

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