Adapted Bivalent Vaccine Update

Adapted Bivalent Vaccine Update

The Minister for Health announced on 16 September that he had accepted the NIAC recommendation that the authorised adapted bivalent vaccines should be used in all those aged 12 years and older who are eligible for a booster vaccination.

NIAC Recommendation: “Authorised bivalent mRNA vaccines are preferentially recommended for all those aged 12 years and older eligible for a booster vaccination.”  Adapted bivalent COVID-19 vaccine boosters include components of the original virus strain and the Omicron variant. (Spikevax bivalent Original/Omicron BA.1  –  0.5ml/50 mcg is only recommended as a booster dose for those aged 30 years or older.) To support this new vaccine type being introduced into the vaccine programme, the following NIO/HSE resources have been modified to include the new recommendations.

  • E-Learning – The New mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Formulations module and assessment are now live for learners. It’s a short 30-minute module covering all aspects. You will find the programme by logging into HSELand – Select Courses – Select Clinical Skills – Select National Immunisation Office – Select COVID-19 Vaccination Training Programme, and it’s the course at the bottom of the page. (NB: The PSI has not yet signed off this training – when this process is complete, we will update our vaccination hubs)
  • HSE Clinical Guidance V43
  • Quick Reference Guide
  • COVID-19 Consent and Medical Eligibility

Ordering of New Vaccines

The HSE will be opening orders for the new vaccines early next week (19 September onwards), and these new adapted vaccines should be delivered to pharmacies from Wednesday 21 or Thursday 22 September onwards; the HSE has committed to delivering the new adapted bivalent vaccines in advance of the 30 September to all vaccine sites. If your pharmacy is due to receive a vaccination delivery early next week on either Monday or Tuesday, you will be able to go on to the cold chain account system and order next week (as soon as orders open), and it is recommended that you in addition to placing order send an email to NCCS to alert them of your order. You will then be contacted with a new additional delivery slot on the week of 26 September and will receive stock before 30 September.

Training and Statutory Instrument

You will need to complete the training for the new adapted vaccines prior to administrating these new vaccine types; when the PSI has signed off the programme, we will send a message to all members. A Statutory Instrument is also needed prior to the administration of these adapted bivalent vaccines commencing, and this is expected early next week (we will update you when this is in place).

NIO Bulletin

The NIO has released vaccine Bulletin 54 has also just gone live. In this edition, the NIO cover:

  • New mRNA COVID-19 vaccine formulations for people aged 12 years and older
  • Adapted vaccines for booster vaccination
  • Comirnaty® Ready to Use (RTU) formulation (0.3ml/30 mcg) – no dilution required
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Quick Reference Guide to COVID-19 Vaccines
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