Home » Irish Heart Foundation Before Damage is Done Campaign
Throughout the month of June, we are delighted to be supporting the Irish Foundation’s Before Damage is Done campaign which aims to raise awareness of the importance of regular blood pressure checks.
Accompanying this edition of the IPU Review you will find some campaign materials to use in your pharmacy, including a window poster and some flyers.
High blood pressure is one of the most important risk factors for heart disease and stroke and it can also lead to other serious outcomes such as dementia, kidney disease and some forms of blindness. Because it is symptomless, up to half of people with high blood pressure don’t know they have it so the campaign will focus on asking adults, particularly those aged over-50, to have their blood pressure checked with their GP or local pharmacy.
To support you in delivering blood pressure checks in your pharmacy you will find a range of resources on the Pharmacy Services hub on ipu.ie. Information on the campaign and access to resources to support patients can be found on the Irish Heart Foundation’s website irishheart.ie.