HSE Pharmavax
The expiry dates listed on HSE Pharmavax in relation to private stock of Influvac Tetra batch J49 and public stock of Fluenz Nasal Spray batch WH3201Cs were incorrectly listed. It has been confirmed that the expiry for Influvac Tetra Batch J49 is 31/07/2025 and for Fluenz Nasal Spray batch WH3201Cs is 16/12/2024. HSE Pharmavax has been updated accordingly.
Going forward this information will be correct for any user who now draws down a batch into their local batch management system. However, any user who has already drawn down a batch with the wrong date will not be able to change this currently so will have to vaccinate with the batch with the incorrect date. The data quality team are aware of this issue and will amend historical records showing the incorrect batch date in due course.
LAIV Supply
The NIO has advised that orders for LAIV vaccines remain open and it is anticipated that sites will be able to order the remainder of their allocations for delivery from 21 October onwards, as per their NCCS delivery schedules. Orders will continue in two weekly cycles.
HIQA publishes assessment of use of an enhanced inactivated influenza vaccine for those aged 65 years and older in the HSE Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme
The Department of Health requested the Health Information Quality Authority (HIQA) complete a health technology assessment (HTA) on the use of an enhanced inactivated influenza vaccine for those aged 65 years and older in the HSE Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme. This assessment looked at the evidence of the effectiveness and safety of enhanced flu vaccines. It examined the cost of switching from a standard to an enhanced flu vaccine for people aged 65 years and older. It also explored the organisational, social and ethical issues of providing enhanced flu vaccines to adults aged 65 years and older. The HTA is now complete. It was found that offering an adjuvanted or high-dose flu vaccine to people aged 65 and older instead of a standard vaccine would likely reduce the burden of flu. Whether such a switch would represent a good use of HSE resources would depend on the price the HSE has to pay for one of these enhanced vaccines compared with the standard flu vaccine. The HTA report, including the statement of outcomes, plain language summary and any other information generated during this process are available on the HIQA website.