RSV Immunisation Pathfinder Programme

RSV Immunisation Pathfinder Programme

The Minister of Health recently announced that the HSE is implementing an infant Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Immunisation Pathfinder Programme for all newborn infants for the coming RSV season (September 2024 to February 2025). This programme involves the administration of Nirsevimab (Beyfortus®), a new long-acting RSV monoclonal antibody, to infants and high-risk babies who are currently eligible for Palivizumab (Synagis®).

As part of the RSV Pathfinder Programme, pregnant women will be provided with written and verbal information on the RSV immunisation programme at their antenatal clinics and soon after the birth of their baby.

A Pathfinder Programme refers to a strategic initiative designed to explore innovative approaches to improving health outcomes within a community or population. These programmes often serve as pilots or models that, if successful, can be scaled up and replicated in other settings.

The switch over as recommended by NIAC will happen from the start of the Pathfinder programme on 1 September 2024.