PCRS High Tech Hub – Email Notifications

Implementing Owings Functionality – Notifying the PCRS 

Did you know that the HSE PCRS has implemented email notifications in the High Tech Hub? You can sign up for notifications of new prescriptions and other updates under the ‘Notification’ tab of the High Tech Hub and the notifications will come into your Healthmail account. This update is a welcome enhancement aimed at improving communication and streamlining processes.


This change was informed by a complete technical review of the High Tech Hub, carried out by the IPU’s IT Steering Group in 2023, and shared with the PCRS for their technical developments. Under the PCRS Pharmacy Connectivity Workstream, the IPU and the PCRS meet on a six-weekly basis to discuss, agree, and progress development to the eligibility, claiming and reimbursement system already in place. This forum is a demonstration of how feedback and advocacy can drive meaningful improvements and highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in enhancing user experiences. Find out more on the IPU website here.