IPU NPA Medicines Counter Assistant Course – Online

NPA Medicine Counter Assistant Course

This course is geared for all staff working on the pharmacy medicine counter including full-time, part-time and Saturday staff. The course is delivered by blended learning and will increase medicine counter assistants’ product knowledge and begin to develop the skills needed to work in pharmacy. The time span is six months.

The course consists of two parts, each containing five modules. Each part is sent out separately for the assistant to work through at their own individual pace. The IPU Training Unit has provided a separate booklet for Republic of Ireland students, which highlights the differences between Irish law and practice.

The course covers the following topics:

  • Pain
  • Coughs, Colds & Hay Fever
  • Indigestion, Heartburn & Constipation
  • Women’s Health, Child Health & Family Planning
  • Holiday Healthcare & First Aid
  • Skin & Feet
  • Mouth, Eyes & Ears
  • Healthy Living, Natural Remedies, Vitamins & Minerals
  • Pet Medicines


For more information and to enrol click here.

The IPU Medicines Counter Assistant Online Tutor directed course will commence again in September.

Please phone Janice or Pia in the Training Unit if you have

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